Over the 25 editions carried out, we reached the following milestones:

People participated in the events

Articles published

Posters presented

Join us !!!

SIGE is an open event promoted by the Technological Institute of Aeronautics with the aim of creating an environment for the exchange of experiences between the academic, industrial and operational sectors of the Armed Forces, on issues of teaching, research and development in Defense areas.

The organizing team is made up of master’s and doctoral students from the Graduate Program in Operational Applications (PPGAO) at ITA.

Essential website statistics.

Track the key insights of user interactions on the SIGE website in 2024, obtained directly from Google Analytics.

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Prepared for the Future: Watch Our Promotional Video!



You will be able to watch the presentations of the accepted papers one week in advance. On the days of the event, you can attend the lectures and technical sessions on livestream.


We are preparing short duration courses featuring the latest in Defense Research and Development, which can be attended in person or online.


Take advantage of the opportunity to attend lectures and events, as well as interact with prominent members from academia, the Armed Forces, and the Defense Industry.


This year, the event will be hybrid, allowing selected authors to present their papers online. Check the conditions and make sure to join us!


Prof. Clare Knock, Ph. D.

Cranfield University
Cranfield University

Senior lecturer at Cranfield University

Maj Brig Ar José Virgílio Guedes de Avellar

Brazilian Air Force
Brazilian Air Force

Commander of the First Regional Air Command – I COMAR.

Prof. Vincent Frémont, Ph. D.

École Centrale de Nantes
École Centrale de Nantes

Director of International Relations



Mini-Course 01

Artificial Intelligence for Robotics

Artificial Intelligence for Robotics

Prof. Dr. Vincent Frémont

Mini-Course 02

Modelling of Explosions

Modelling of Explosions

Profa. Dra. Clare Knock

Mini-Course 03

Noise Radar Technology and Noise Radar systems for civil and military applications

Noise Radar Technology and Noise Radar systems for civil and military applications

Prof. Dr. Konstantin LUKIN, IEEE Fellow

Mini-Course 04

O ambiente espacial e seus efeitos sobre os sistemas espaciais e o corpo humano

O ambiente espacial e seus efeitos sobre os sistemas espaciais e o corpo humano

Prof. Dr. Márcio Martins da Silva Costa

Mini-Course 05

Aplicações operacionais de circuitos quânticos supercondutores

Aplicações operacionais de circuitos quânticos supercondutores

Prof. Dr. André Jorge Carvalho Chaves

Mini-Course 06

Modern optimization  tools in aerospace engineering

Modern optimization tools in aerospace engineering

Prof. Dr. Joerg Fliege

Mini-Course 07

Da inovação ao mercado: Transformando a  tecnologia em sucesso

Da inovação ao mercado: Transformando a tecnologia em sucesso

Prof. Dr. Lester

Mini-Course 08

Transformação digital: as potencialidades do ChatGPT e outras LLMs

Transformação digital: as potencialidades do ChatGPT e outras LLMs

Ten Cel Moreira


We will soon announce the presentations for this year.

About the Event

SIGE is an annual event promoted by the Aeronautics Institute of Technology with the aim of creating an environment for exchanging experiences between the academic, industrial and operational sectors of the Brazilian Armed Forces, on teaching, research and development topics in Defense areas.

This year, SIGE will take place from October 1st to 3rd.





Sponsor this event!

ISSN : 1983-7402 (Proceedings)

Simpósio de Aplicações Operacionais em Áreas de Defesa (SIGE)