Submissions are now closed. The best articles and posters will be selected by our reviewers for presentation at SIGE. After the final notification to the authors, they should submit a video of their presentations, along with the respective thumbnail, following specific guidelines.

Please remember that the oral presentation of articles should be conducted in person (or online, for papers selected for remote presentation) for 15 minutes, with an additional 5 minutes for questions. As for the poster session, at least one of the authors should be available in person to present the work to the interested audience.

















Full Paper Template:

Poster Template:



  • The [Microsoft Word] or [Latex] templates include detailed formatting instructions for the paper, which should have a minimum of four (4) and a maximum of six (6) pages.

  • On the first page of the paper, only the title of the work should be placed without the authors’ names and affiliations. Only the final version, after acceptance, should contain this information.
  • The pages of this file should not have numbering or any header or footer.


  • The pre-formatted [Microsoft PowerPoint] template contains detailed formatting instructions for the poster.

  • The defined size for the poster is 90×110 cm, with the event logo fixed at the set position on the template. The authors’ institutional logos should be placed in the suggested space provided.
  • There should also be no identification of the authors or their affiliations on the poster. Only the version after the first revision, in the posters that are accepted, should contain this information.

  • The authors must bring the printed poster, in the specified format, and with the banner structure to be hung on the provided supports, to present at the Poster Session that will take place during the event.


  • Presentations in video format, 15 minutes for Papers and 5 minutes for Posters, will be required for the final acceptance. More specific instructions will be shared in due course.
  • ATTENTION: The submission of recorded presentations does not exclude the need for at least one of the authors to participate in person, either in the Paper Technical Session or in the Poster Sessions.

See how the presentations were in previous years clicking here!


Given the hybrid format of the event, aimed at making SIGE more dynamic and flexible, authors with accepted works are required to submit a recording of their presentations to be made available on the event website in advance.

Characteristics of the Presentation Video:

– The presentation of the works should follow established formats for in-person technical sessions, allowing participants to clearly understand the developed topics before the discussions in the technical sessions and poster session.

– Maximum video duration: Full Paper 15 minutes and Poster 5 minutes.

– O vídeo deverá ser no formato FullHD (1080p) ou HD (720p), com tamanho máximo de 250 MB.

– It is recommended to use a camera with a minimum HD resolution (720p) that should be displayed throughout the video, except for the first slide, which should be static and contain only the provided template, properly filled.

– The presentation should use the 16:9 aspect ratio, and the first slide should be the provided template with authors and titles filled according to the work. This slide should be displayed for 5 seconds, without the camera being shown.

For filling out the template, center the Title of the work in the blue stripe and place the names of the authors in the bottom-right corner, just below the title bar.


Sending an Image for Display on the Event Website:

After submission, the videos will be made available on the website in a presentation gallery with a main image displayed for each work. Authors are requested to send an image along with the video that they consider representative of their work.

This image should have a 16:9 aspect ratio, a minimum resolution of 800×450, and be in JPG format.

NOTE: This image does not necessarily need to be included in the submitted work, but please be mindful of copyright when selecting it.


Recording Tools:

Authors are free to use their preferred recording tools. In case you’re unfamiliar with or don’t have an appropriate solution, we recommend using the open platform OBS (Open Broadcast Software) or PowerPoint itself. We have prepared tutorials that explain step by step how to create your video using these tools.

OBS Presentation Tutorial for SIGE

PowerPoint Presentation Tutorial for SIGE

For more information, watch the video with recommendations and suggestions:

How to Submit Your Files?

After the acceptance of the work, authors should upload their presentation videos and selected images through the JEMS platform by the due date informed at “IMPORTANT DATES” section.

The final acceptance of the submitted works will be conditional upon the confirmation of the proper submission of the recorded presentation. If the video is not received by the deadline, the organization will automatically consider it as withdrawal by the authors.

For any questions or difficulties, please contact, We are here to assist you.


Submissions can only be made in “.pdf” format, either as a full paper or a poster. You need to choose the option at the time of submission.

The submission of papers for SIGE will be through the JEMS system using the link provided above.

If you do not have a JEMS account yet, click on the link “create your account here.” Fill in the required fields and then click on “New User” at the bottom of the page. A confirmation of registration and your initial password will be sent to the email you provided, which you can change later.

After logging into the JEMS system with your user account, find the option “XXVI SIGE” in the table “Accepting paper registration and upload.”

Choose the submission mode among the available options (“Full Paper” or “Poster Presentation”) by clicking on the corresponding “submit paper” button, highlighted in orange.

On the opened page, fill in the fields associated with:

  1. Authors (all authors should be selected here and all of them should be registered in the JEMS system);
  2. Paper title: Include only the title of the work, without any author identification or affiliations;
  3. Paper abstract: Provide the Abstract, up to 150 words, followed by 3 keywords. The first keyword should match the name of the main classification area of the work, chosen from those indicated in the “Paper Topics” field below;
  4. Paper topics: Check the area(s) related to the submitted paper.

Confirm that the Track field corresponds to your chosen option: “Full Paper” or “Poster Presentation.”

Choose the presentation type under Category, either “In-Person or Online” or “Online Only.” (If you choose “In-Person or Online,” be aware that the Organizing Committee will determine which papers will be presented in person or virtually and will communicate this to the authors in advance).

Click on “Submit.”

On the next page, click on:

  1. Edit: If you wish to modify the entered data; or
  2. Upload: If you want to upload the “.pdf” file of your work.


To ensure the inclusion of your paper in the prestigious Proceedings of SIGE, it is essential that at least one of the authors registers on the official event website (, prepares a presentation (oral or poster, as appropriate) to be shared during the symposium, and also creates a video presentation. This video should be submitted by the due date informed at “IMPORTANT DATES” section, through the JEMS platform, along with the respective thumbnail.

Oral presentations for papers must be conducted in person and should not exceed 15 minutes, with an additional 5 minutes allocated for questions. In the case of the specific poster session, at least one of the authors should be available in person to present the work to the interested audience.

If you have any questions or encounter difficulties, please contact; we are here to assist you.


Authors can apply for online defense, but it will be subject to certain internal criteria set by the SIGE coordination:

Priority 1 – Author resides outside the Brazilian Southeast Region.

Priority 2 – Author has special mobility needs.

Priority 3 – Author is economically disadvantaged and cannot afford travel expenses to the event.

The Preliminary Request Form for Online Defense must be submitted by the article submission deadline for SIGE, indicating the article and the relevant priority situation(s) above.

After filling out this form, you will receive a confirmation email to finalize your submission. If you do not receive this email, please contact the event’s IT team at

We provide all the event-related information on our website, including a SUBMISSIONS menu, where you can find instructions for formatting papers, recording presentations, using the JEMS system, and delivering oral presentations.

If you still have questions regarding the event, please contact the event’s secretariat at


Posters are not included in the online presentation option.

ISSN : 1983-7402 (Proceedings)

Simpósio de Aplicações Operacionais em Áreas de Defesa (SIGE)